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indicates a win; links to acceptance speech

[NOTE: This nomination was not associated with any specific film title.]
[NOTE: Though no specific titles were indicated during the presentation on May 16, 1929, or in the official results from the Central Board of Judges for this honorable mention, Academy records indicate that Mr. Slaughter was most often mentioned in connection with The Jazz Singer.]
[NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL NOMINATION. Originally announced as a nominee on February 9, 1942, but sometime between the 10th and the 19th of February, this title was dropped and replaced by another Warner Bros. production, The Sea Wolf, with the same people credited for the nomination. There is no explanation in the files as to why this replacement was made.]
[NOTE: Not originally one of the nominees announced on February 9, 1942. Dive Bomber, another Warner Bros. production, was on the list, but sometime between the 10th and 19th of February, the Dive Bomber nomination was replaced by The Sea Wolf, with the same people credited for the achievement. There is no explanation in the files as to why the replacement was made.]
Note: Names and film titles in the Academy Awards Database are derived from film credits and other documentation submitted to the Academy at the time of nomination or award. Changes to name forms or other information contained in the Database may be considered upon request, with respect to preservation of the historical record and the nominee/award recipient.