Results displayed by award category; sort is chronological
indicates a win; links to acceptance speech

{"Tom Jones"}
{"Frank Machin"}
{"Julius Caesar"}
{"Hud Bannon"}
{"Ben Brown"}
{"Corp. Jim Tompkins"}
{"Homer Bannon"}
{"Squire Western"}
{"Cardinal Glennon"}
{"Miss Western"}
{"Mrs. Waters"}
{"Duchess of Brighton"}
{"Mother Maria"}
[NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL NOMINATION. After the nominations were announced, it was discovered that this film was first released prior to the eligibility period, and the nomination was withdrawn.]
Note: Names and film titles in the Academy Awards Database are derived from film credits and other documentation submitted to the Academy at the time of nomination or award. Changes to name forms or other information contained in the Database may be considered upon request, with respect to preservation of the historical record and the nominee/award recipient.