Awards Database Help--Display Screens


Basic Display Screens:

There are six basic display screens. Results may be viewed by film title, nominee or award category with either an alphabetical or chronological primary sort:

Film Title (alpha) Film Title (chron)
Nominee (alpha) Nominee (chron)
Category (alpha) Category (chron)

The following types of data (when applicable) will be displayed in all six basic display screens (for descriptions of data fields, see The Data section):

Film Title Honorary Citation
Exact Award Category Song Title
Nomination Statement Dance Number
Award Year Notes
Sci/Tech Citation Character Name
Sci/Tech Description Placement

Additional data ("bonus fields") appear in only certain display screens. These are listed below with the descriptions of each display screen.

FILM TITLE (ALPHA): Displays search results by film title. If your results include multiple film titles, it will sort them alphabetically. Search results that are not associated with a film title (e.g. honorary, sci/tech awards, etc.) will not display in this form. You will need to look at your results by nominee or category to see them. Bonus fields for this display are:

Production Company Statement Alternate Film Title
Distributor Statement Country
Presentation Company Statement Film Series

FILM TITLE (CHRON): Displays search results by film title. If your results include multiple film titles, it will sort them by award year first and alphabetically by title thereunder. Search results that are not associated with a film title (e.g. honorary, sci/tech awards, etc.) will not display in this form. You will need to look at your results by nominee or category to see them. Bonus fields for this display are the same as Film Title (alpha). Please note: there are a few films which have received nominations in two different award years; therefore, because of the chronological primary sort, displayed results for the title will be split up.

NOMINEE (ALPHA): Displays search results by nominee. If your results include more than one nominee, it will sort them alphabetically. Specific nomination information for each nominee will subsort by award year thereunder. Bonus fields for this display are:

AKA Name Note
Death Date Name See Reference
Posthumous Name See Also Reference
Award Type  

NOMINEE (CHRON): Displays search results by nominee. Primary sort is by award year, then alphabetical by name thereunder. This display is useful when viewing nominations of multiple nominees across multiple years; otherwise the Nominee (alpha) display will produce better viewing results. Bonus fields for this display are:

Award Type

CATEGORY (CHRON): Displays search results by award category. Primary sort is by award year, then by category thereunder. This is the more useful of the two Category display screens and the one you should choose unless you have very specific search conditions. The bonus field for this display is Sci/Tech Indexing.

CATEGORY (ALPHA): Displays search results by award category. Primary sort is alphabetical by award category indexing, then by award year and exact award category thereunder (for descriptions of data fields, see The Data section). If a record has two (or more) award category index terms associated with it, it will appear two (or more) times within the display, once under each heading. This display is useful if you are comparing multiple categories across multiple award years or if you would like to see a nominee's records (with nominations in multiple categories) sorted first by category instead of award year. Viewing the results of other types of searches in this display will be understandable but will have unnecessarily redundant data elements and/or repetition of records. The bonus field for this display is Sci/Tech Indexing.

Modified Display Screens:

These are slightly modified versions of one of the six basic display screens. Modifications generally only involve a new primary sort field and main header, with most of the other elements of the display screen remaining the same (some bonus fields may not display).

DIRECTOR (CREDITED): A modification of the Film Title (chron) display screen. The primary sort is alphabetical by the credited film director which now displays as the main header. Please note: Nominations and awards not associated with a specific film title or for films where data in the Director Credit field has not yet been entered do not display in this view. The Director Credit has been entered for all feature films (excluding documentaries). Data in the Director Credit field may not yet be entered for films with nominations solety in the documentary or short film categories; therefore search results and/or data displayed in this view may be incomplete.

DISTRIBUTOR: A modification of the Film Title (chron) display screen. The primary sort is alphabetical by distributor which now displays as the main header. Bonus fields include all those for Film Title (chron). Please note: Nominations and awards not associated with a specific film title or for films without a distributor at the time of nomination do not display in this view. Some foreign language films have received nominations in two award years; if the film had no distributor the first year, the nomination(s) for that year will not display. (See The Data section for more information on the Distributor Statement field.)